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Tuesday, March 5, 2019
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His death came the day after his middle son prom, and just before his graduation; all three of his boys were growing to manhood, including his eldest, who serves in the armed forces.were finally starting to settle down for them, Mrs. Tarentino said of Ronnie, as he was called, and Trish, a schoolteacher who had just earned her master degree. Were already talking about their retirement plans.
Smoke billows from one of the towers of the World Trade Center and flames and debris explode from the second tower, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. In one of the most horrifying attacks ever against the United States, terrorists crashed two airliners into the World Trade Center in a deadly series of blows that brought down the twin 110 story towers.
There will be all sorts of Full House fun that night in Frisco (the Texas one), with fireworks and even a giveaway for a trip to San Francisco. Appropriately enough, the Rough Riders, while donning SF themed jerseys, will play the San Antonio Missions. It makes it all feel like some sort of metaphor for the state of SF in 2015, played out on a minor league baseball field in Texas..
When Kenny Dailey worked at Gabriel's Cheese Steak Hoagies in Ypsilanti, a local staple that's been around since 1959, he often spoke with customers from Saline who lamented that there wasn't a location near them. In March, he decided to satisfy their cravings, launching a Saline location as a co owner. In addition to the Saline restaurant, there is also a Westland location that opened in 2007..
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Tuesday, December 18, 2018
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Wednesday. Heavy snow, especially Tuesday night into Wednesday morning will come with wind. Or our area of PA, the Blizzard Warning covers Berks County, western Chester County, western Montgomery County, upper Bucks County, Lehigh County and Northampton County.
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